What is the report ?

What is the report ?

IF you are planning to work for a voluntary organization, perhaps you are required to have some basic ideas of organizational reporting. This passage is an attempt to give a primary understanding of reporting in NGOs or Voluntary organization. This page exclusively relevant to them who likely to go for humanitarian and developmental jobs. This may not be comprehensive detail on organizational reporting but certainly a concept to know about. Systematic reporting is an essential part of good project management and administration of an organization.

       What is the report?  
The word report means to carry back, a report, therefore, is a description of an event or program carry back to those who were not present at the time of its happening. It is a document where information is contained in systematic and organized ways for better communication.   Following are the points to understand clearly.
  • Reports are a statement of situations, events, and occurrence.
  • It is a brief account of events and  evidence  
  • It is a brief summary of information that communicates the result of the analysis of issues.

The organizational report is an honest interpretation and presentation of various activities accomplished within a particular period.

       Types of Reports     
The structure and reporting system differs for organizations. That is why these reports vary according to its purpose, content, and periodicity. Though they are differently classified, most of the same pattern. Most of the organization go about through the following reports.
  1. Annual Report
  2. Quarterly Half-Yearly /Progress reports
  3. Evaluation reports
  4. Budget and monitoring report
  5. Report on the meeting, seminars/workshops
  6. Field reports
  7. Survey reports
  8. Completion of reports  
  9. Projects Reports
Some of these reports are normally only for recording routine matter at regular intervals. These reports deal with a wide range of situations. It presents total pictures of the organization and its programme. It covers individuals to approach entire planning process and implementation.

       Importance of Reporting  
An efficient system of record keeping and reporting is absolutely important and essential to the success of any organization. Reports are not only playing an important role but it has been becoming a vital necessity for the smoother running of an organization. Reporting is a major component of our management information system on the basis of which decision are taken.

       Why reporting is needed?
  • Reporting or reports are needed to show the quality and quantity of work assuring that something is happening in the organization as planned.
  • It provides and serves useful information to others regarding the program.
  • The voluntary organization is controlled and guided by some laws of the government regarding the activities. Hence government should be clearly informed. It is a legal obligation.
  • The donor agencies always require periodical reports and statement of accounts on the progress of the project.
  • Systematic administration and functioning of an organization depend very much on its perfect reporting.
  • Reports served as the valid record of all accomplishment of an organization.
  • Virtually all the funding agencies require a copy of annual reports of an organization along with the project proposal.

This above passage is just an introduction to a report, you can read the other aspects of the report. Visit  for more report writing


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