How to write an appointment letter

How to write an appointment letter

An overview – An appointment letter is a written document, an employer provides to a new employee. An appointment letter indicates the confirmation of selection to a position in an organization. In the letter, the employee is being provided the details of employee engagement, terms, and conditions, roles and responsibilities, place of work and salary component as well.

Compositions of an appointment letter
  • Name and address of the employe
  • Designation of the employe
  • Salary detail
  • Probation period
  • Little details about the policy of the company
  • Terms and conditions

The above elements can be included in the appointment letter. You can customize your own appointment letter by giving all the required information to the employee. As many as elements, you can add while composing an appointment letter in order to make it more transparent and ambiguity-free. Refer to the sample letter

How to draft an appointment letter
Letter Head with logo of the organization
(Organization Name and address)
Letter No

C/O of  Name of the Guardian
At/Po- WST
Dist- MNOP
Sub- Letter of Appointment
Dear ABCD,
It is our pleasure to giving you an appointment for the post of computer assistant, you are provisionally appointed as computer assistant at the secretary office of the organization in the scale pay of 20000 CTC per month with usual dearness allowances and interim relief from time to time w.e.f from the date on the following term and conditions

1-You will be designated as Computer Assistant at the secretary office provisionally and will directly report the secretary
2-You will be posted at our office at the name of the location
3-Your appointment is purely temporary and can be terminated at any time giving 15 days’ notice without assigning any reasons thereof.
     4-However, during the period of appointment, you will liable to transfer any other location without adversely affecting your emoluments and general term and conditions of service.
      5-You shall remain under probation for a period of six months from the date of you joining in the said post, during the probation if your performance is found unsatisfactory, your service may be terminated without assigning any reasons thereof.

If you agree to the said term and condition you are encouraged to submit your joining acknowledgment letter accordingly.

Yours faithfully


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