How to write covering letter for job

How to write covering letter for job

Let's assume you are about to write a cover letter. Now you think of writing it, though you know the content of the letter, still, then little confuse about how to begin it. Just look at the following general cover letter and try to notice the highlighted area and validate which type of information you are required to put in your cover letter.
You can also read:

  • How to write a cover letter for the program manager
  • Read carefully the advert of the position.
  • Relate the position profile with your present profile to meet the eligibility for the position
  •  Note the person name or designation address the letter.
  • Do not forget to note down any job code number and location code( if applicable)
  • Give your contact address, phone number, email id, skype, etc.
  •  Mention the sources of information in the cover letter
  • Be formal and hones in your opening sentence of the letter.
  • rief introduction according to the requirement of the position 
  • Justify and convince why you are fit for the position 
  • Close the sentence by a formal request for an interview 

Now look at the letter
Abcd, Stree ROAD 
 (Your address an contact details )

The Chief Personal Manager
XYZ (Organization or company Name)

Dear Sir,
While drawing your kind attention to the leading news  The Newspaper Name or sources of information ) for the post of (Post Name), I beg to offer my candidature for the same
As regards of my educational qualifications, I would like to state that I have completed my graduation (Immediate qualification) from the university (Name of the university or institution) and has obtained a diploma to that effect.
After passing from the said institution, I am at present working as ( designation) in the (Company or organization  Name) but as the pay scale is not commensurate with my qualification I thought it good to apply for the said post.
I am a capable professional of twenty-five years old having the capacity of undertaking any assignment task that may be entrusted to me from time to time.
I, therefore request you to consider my candidature for the post applied for, and for this act of kindness will remain grateful.

Thanking You


Yours faithfully

N: B  As it was asked in the newspaper, I am enclosing herewith a passport-sized photograph, along with an attested copy of certificates and testimonials, for the favor of your kind perusal. Refer to the following Format.
Tips to know 
You have looked at the demo cover letter writing now think what you have to do with your cover letter whenever applying for any job. Let us review the quick checklist for writing a cover letter.

This above sample letter of a job application is for demonstrative purpose. You can draft your own ways by following this format. Choose an appropriate word, paragraphs and closing sentence to make your application persuasive and effective. Make your application convincing so that it can draw the attention of the recruiters. You can also look at report writing for your learning.


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